aka brian brasher
illustrator. designer. iconographer. listener. pal.
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◻ illustration ◻ icons ◻ graphic design ◻ motion design ◼ about me ◻ links

Howdy! I'm Brian, also known by some — on social media and at other such unsavory places — as etherbrian. I am a graphical artist from way back, and this is a place where I show a heap of my work to you. Thanks for looking!

The tools of my trade, at least for anything digital, are manufactured by Adobe Inc. Illustrator, After Effects, Photoshop... they're all keen! I know InDesign too, but I don't fire up that baby very often. Figma is all the rage these days, and though I don't actually produce art with it, I can easily prep vector art for import that then lives very happily there.

Please feel free to drop me a line to check my availability for taking on your project. You can even tease me with the offer of a lucrative FTJ with nifty benefits, if that's your intention. I am very responsive, even when my favorite episode of DS9 is on and/or I'm eating a mountain of spaghetti.

Have a nice day.

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©2024 brian brasher
aka etherbrian